OpenTower - MStower

MStower is a specialty software for steel tower design.
MStower’s comprehensive modeling, results, and output capabilities allow you to quickly model, analyze, and design steel transmission and communication towers. With both graphical and text-based definitions of tower structures, you can design and complete projects faster than ever. Easily create high-quality designs in compliance with a number of international standards.
You can efficiently design towers, such as monopoles, lattice towers, and guyed masts, using a comprehensive library of panel types and ancillary equipment that enable quick creation of the structure. Quickly create reports with virtually any result – from structure data to loading, static, and dynamic results.
MStower also contains comprehensive facilities for plotting the structure, loading, and results. Design checks include structural configuration, buckling lengths, slenderness ratios, ultimate member strength, and bolt strength. Analysis and member check results can be displayed graphically, used in reports, and printed as required.